"Hmm, how to do an English Breakfast. You just
stick stuff in a frying pan… The trick is to
do things in the right order."

Fried Bread
Serve with:
Buttered Toast
Orange Marmalade

• Fried mushrooms will absorb all the oil in
the pan, and will take on the flavour of the bacon
and sausages if you do them towards the end.
• Sausages have to be cooked slowly on a low
heat in order to cook through so always do them first.
• Bacon doesn’t like a lot of oil –
but it needs some if you want to make it go crispy.
• Eggs can be fried or scrambled or poached
– if doing fried eggs use a separate clean pan
so they stay nice and white.
• Fried Bread also likes to absorb lots of
oil and flavours so do that last.