9 medium peaches
1 tsp lemon juice
1 cup sugar (1/2 cup if using canned peaches)
1/2 cup flour
¼ tsp cinnamon
2 Tbl margarine
Mom's pie crust

• Prepare pie crust in accordance with mom's
pie crust recipe. Sift dry ingredients together.
Combine all of the filling ingredients and mix thoroughly.
Mix the dry ingredients and the peach mixture.
• Line the pie pan with pastry and fill with
the peach mixture. Place slices of butter around the
top of the peach mixture. Cover with top crust and
flute edges.
• Bake in a very hot oven (450oF)
for 15 minutes. Reduce to moderate (350oF)
and bake 35 minutes longer.
Makes 1 9-inch pie.